Humanity, in a general way, was conditioned to perform or to stop doing any kind of thing for two purposes: reward or punishment. Regrettably.
From an early age we do this and our parents, consciously or unconsciously, lead us to this: we cry to receive milk, moan to receive attention and so on. When we grow up a little bit, we start making fun of it to get something, we stop taking something so we do not get slapped or punished and the process continues ... Then, we grow a little more and perform things to receive praise, avoid others not to disciplinary sanctions. How many of us have not heard from our parents, "If you do, you will gain what you dreamed of, but if you do not, you will not have it"? Well ... it extends to the spiritual field as well, among others that we will also analyze.
People began to "worship" God, to go to church, to perform rites or other spiritual activities because of wanting to receive a reward, be it in this life or in another. Or they do all this not by thinking of a reward, but by fearing punishment. Should not the principle of worship be another? Should not motivation be based more on love and gratitude for all that He has already done and done, rather than thinking originally of what we can gain or what we can lose?
And in the professional scope the logic remains. How many who do their jobs enthusiastically thinking only of a short-term promotion and how many others are just the basics to dismiss the idea of dismissal? Do not get involved in your activities, do not give your all. They forget that the company pays them to do the best, to see them do what they demonstrated to be able in the first interview. In fact, companies, in general, pay 100% of what has been combined to obtain 100% of what was promised during the selection and hiring process. They should do their best, for they have opened a door for them, an opportunity to gain income and prospects for growth, even if it is only intellectual.
And this extends to the field of love or relationship. How many relationships do not deteriorate or diminish in intensity because one or both of them seek to speak and do things only to get a fondness or a smile, and fail to expose their feelings, their wishes, for fear that this is not well received and relationship break? There are still those who only make a gesture of affection if they receive another. If they do not receive, they complain or they do not do more. And unconditional love? Is it only beautiful in poetry or in love stories?
The comparison may sound grotesque, but the animals are like this: dogs, for example, are trained to roll, lie on the ground, jump over obstacles, play games, and finally get a cookie.
We need to get rid of these chains where links are interspersed between punishment and reward.
Obviously, as long as there is a world there will always be this relationship and sometimes we will come across it. However, we must change our focus a little and stop doing things only to receive a reward or not to receive a punishment. We need to do many things simply by the will to do, because we feel that someone deserves, by gratitude, unconditionally. When you do something, commit yourself and say, "I must and I will do my best, the rest is consequence!"
May the GOD of LOVE be with you and in you, today and in all your days!