GOD is unique, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. HE doesn’t permit materializing HIS image in sculptures, paintings or orther artistic human manifestations. Before, it makes itself known through HIS creation and through transcendental experiences from HIS worshippers, which become able to understand HIM and feel HIM in a very peculiar way, even though such experiences may be shared by two or more persons. So the perception of GOD or a SUPERIOR FORCE is never exclusive, it is always added.
Mankind was inserted in the terrestrial plan for being able to find itself and to find HIM. Understanding the true purpose, approaching even more from GOD and HIS characteristics causes the true evolution and illumination, making us able of reaching more elevated degrees of intimacy with HIM and to make a more productive use of our entire composition for the benefit and mutual growth, even if endowed with unique characteristics and Spirits in different stages.
The spirit is the direct connection with the divine and corresponds to our half. So, we can say that we are half meat, half spirit. Half “inferior self”, half “superior self”. Half earth, half heaven. Mankind was and is thought to develop its carnal skills, which involve selfish feelings and wishes, causes of suffering and pain. Developing the spirit, in the other hand, raises us to a superior condition, for we start to exercise the divine virtues, such as: love, joy, peace, patience, charity, empathy, goodness, fidelity, calmness and self-domain. Asides of the relentless search for wisdom, cunningness, understanding and knowledge. Spirits, in general, are composed in the Chosen, Called and Unsure or Servis, each with its characteristics, roles and stages of Evolution that, complementary or not, balance the Universe.
The soul is, so to say, our DNA. The set of all physical, mental and personal characteristics which we carry on this life and in the afterlife. It is intrinsically linked to the way we use the composition of our Self in Life and society. It is the sum of hereditary characteristics - terrestrial and spiritual. Even though it inhabits the Body, it is kept in the Spirit when the receptacle dies. The soul will always be a pot of clay to be shaped by the evolution or not of Being.
The body is the temple of GOD’s Spirit. In this way, asides from having it as a true container of the divine, we should take care of it. The preoccupation should not be only aesthetic, but should put in first place healthy habits, avoiding any kinds of aggression to it or attitudes which cause debilitations or deformities. It, together to the soul and the spirit forms life: the greatest gift given by GOD.
Only our body is mortal. Our spirit and soul possess immortality. However, we have only one opportunity to show ourselves sufficiently evolved to reach different degrees in the heavenly plan and serve HIM on the most various activities. These activities may be linked to evolutionary plans on other inhabited planets or next to the "management of the Universe". In this transitional and evolutionary process we carry the points to be improved or corrected, as well as all our experience and evolution obtained in previous plans in order to walk towards GOD.
GOD created everything. Made, then, men, animals and plants, each one to its species. We have, by those means, creationism. However, each specie has passed and passes through a process of continuous evolution, making it able to thrive to the system in which it lives. So, we have also the evolutionism or species’ natural evolution. Creation and Evolution are complementary, not dissociative. The understanding of this Truth broadens the vision and increases the need for action.
Man was put as the top of the food chain because of its sapience and developed skills. However, this condition must awake him to the conscience that it is necessary to preserve the environment in which he lives. We understand that everything was put under our subjection and we should exercise them in a wise and balanced way. We should, in a gesture of love to the neighbor and gratitude towards GOD, take care of the planet to the next generations.