
Veronismo’s essence is GOD, the first cause. HE, over centuries of mankind, has been trying to make himself known and understood in different ways, through different men and women, wanting that all people enjoy HIS love and true purpose. Unfortunately, these envoys of the ALMIGHTY were, by some, wrongly interpreted and his teachings were twisted, making them farther from its essence and true meaning. This way, the ALMIGHTY had been transferring HIS spirit of wisdom and understanding, continuously, until mankind, so to say, executed it.

This way, the first truth is given, which divine mosaic HE has thrown to Earth and, for being made of glass, shattered, scattering many “fragments” around the world. Veronismo has to join them, removing the existent layers put by men himself, restoring it in its original form. This metaphorical language translates perfectly the mission which Veronismo proposes to accomplish: restoring the truth, in its original form, free, impartial, full, and acceptable to the GREAT I AM.

Veronismo discards all doctrines inserted by men over centuries, which have, in their majority, departed mankind from GOD, making it focus itself on man himself or in HIS creation. By those means, Veronism follow primarily to the Life Code (Composed of 8 noble teachings) and some derivations of it, such as the following:

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