While walking, something led the Being to the times when the East rescued the essence and in it, came a teaching in that quera the Book of deep reflection, namely:
The Supreme Personality of God said: Fearlessness, purification of one's existence; cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; self control; execution of sacrifices; study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; no violence; truthfulness; being free from anger; renounce; tranquility; not liking to find defects; compassion for all living entities; being free from greed; kindness; modesty; firm determination; force; clemency; fortress; cleansing, being free from envy and passion for honor - these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, exist in godly men endowed with divine nature.
Pride, arrogance, presumption, anger, harshness and ignorance - these qualities belong to those whose nature is demonic, O son of Pritha. The transcendental qualities lead to liberation, whereas the demonic qualities lead to captivity. Do not worry, O son of Pandu, for you were born with the divine qualities. O son of Pritha, in this world there are two species of creatures. One is called divine and the other demonic. I have already begun to explain to you the divine qualities. Now listen while I talk about the demonic characteristics. Those who are demonic do not know what to do and what not to do. There is no cleanliness, no proper behavior, no truth. They say that this world is unreal and without any foundation; which is produced from sexual desire and is only caused by lust. They say that there is no GOD in control. Following these conclusions, the demonic without knowing what to do and without any intelligence, engage in harmful and hideous activities that only serve to destroy the world. Reflecting in insatiable lust and engrossed in the self-presumption of pride and false prestige, the demonic, in this illusion, are always committed to dirty work drawn by the impermanent. They believe that satisfying the senses is the primordial necessity of human civilization. With this, until the end of life his anxiety is immeasurable. Attached to a network of hundreds of thousands of desires and engrossed in lust and anger, they resort to illegal means to obtain the money they will invest in the enjoyment of the senses.
The demonic being thinks, "So much wealth I have today, and I will earn more according to my plans. I have so much now and this will increase more and more in the future. I killed my enemy, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of all. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is no one so powerful and happy as I am. I will perform sacrifices, I will do some charity, and with that, I will be content. " In this way, they are deluded by ignorance. So perplexed by so many anxieties and trapped in a network of illusions, they cling too much to the enjoyment of the senses and fall into hell. Accommodated and always cynical, letting themselves be deceived by wealth and false prestige, they sometimes proudly perform sacrifices only by name, without following any rule or regulation. Confused by false ego, strength, pride, lust, and anger, demons begin to envy the Supreme Personality of God, which is in their own bodies and in the bodies of others, and they blaspheme against the true religion. Those envious and scoundrels, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually thrust them into the ocean of material existence, where they assumed various kinds of demonic life. By submitting to repeated births among the species of demonic life, o son of Kunti, such people can never get close to Me. Gradually they sink into the most abominable condition of existence.
Chapter 16, Bhagavad Gita, Maabarah