Stop looking back, clinging to cycles that should have ended. It's time for you to move forward, to move ahead!
Come on! Have and ask for the strength necessary for the past to stay where it should be: in the past. Or do not you believe that your future is bright, that it can and should be the way the ALL-POWERFUL design?
Do not fear people, looks, words. Stand as a true fortress and do not allow yourself to be shaken by everything that comes from negative, sad, pessimistic. You must be far beyond that! In turn, hold yourself like a real sponge, absorbing all good things, positive thoughts, words of edification, after all this should be the fuel needed for your walk.
The past should be looked at just to see how much it has evolved, it has grown. It can also serve to see the wrong steps taken and not repeat them. To see how it should have been, but for various reasons, they were not. However, do not waste time getting hurt! The energy that you would expend for this, take the opportunity to change your present, in search of that promising future.
Take on your responsibilities, your duties and exercise them with love and dedication. The time elapsed when everything was done in half. Position yourself to accomplish what is complete! Be better at everything you set out to do, at all.
Do not be carried away by the same things that have diverted your attention to this day. Keep your focus on truly and profoundly changing your condition!
It's time to climb one more step on the evolution ladder! Do not waste time! See the outstretched arms OF HIM who is also called FATHER, our HIGH GOD and run into His arms!
Thank Him for doing His will and certainly one of them is that you are a differentiated, blessed and blessed creature, an enlightened being who will bring light to so many who walk in tortuous ways, a person of continuous evolution, in search to be in His image and likeness!
Let's go! Advance!
May God be with you and in you, today and in all your days!